Would you like to give your immune system a new lease on life, drop toxins and weight quickly, and receive major benefits in just 3 days? There are so many reasons to consider a 3-day water fast.
Here is a list of some of the magnificent potential benefits:
· Ability to handle insulin may improve
· Fat burning can start within first 24 hours
· Youthful HGH may increase 1300% women, 2000% men preserve muscle and may continue beyond the end of the fast
· Inflammatory marker IGF1 may decrease significantly
· Autophagy may increase 300% in first 24 hours, 30% more in next 24 hours
· Stem cell activation may increase & continue 5+ days after end of fast
· Immune system may get a new lease on life by the end of the fast
· For those choosing chemotherapy, 3-day fast before may improve results
· Situation with abnormal cells may improve
· Situation with yeast overgrowth/candida may improve
· Ability to persevere16 or 18 hours fast in intermittent fasting may be easier
· May reduce excess weight and toxins
· May improve heart health, digestive health, brain health, colon health…
Amazing potential benefits for simply doing a 3-day water fast, right? If this interests you for yourself or a loved one, it is important to understand these key considerations, feeling free to email me for clarification at Julie@JPWOWPrograms.com.
All people with health challenges should check with their health care professional first. People on medications (e.g. blood sugar, pressure), pregnant/nursing, young children, eating disorders, and very thin people are especially advised to get medical input before fasting. Extreme athletes in season should not fast.
· Eligibility – some people should NOT fast, others check with doctor
· Choose exactly 72 hours or 3 calendar days (more hours)
· Preparation including intermittent fasting short window, low carb, bowels open, consider a 1-day fast as part of the 2-3 week preparation…
· Include mental/emotional preparation and consider not telling others
· Consider using sea salt & an enzyme/probiotic blend (won’t interfere)
· Also consider glutathione that may neutralize oxidative stress from toxins
· Plentiful pure water important – we don’t recommend dry fasting
· Limit exercise during the 3 days but lymphatic movement is important
· Get grounded by walking barefoot in the grass, relax, meditate if desired
· Expect possible symptoms like hunger, sleep disturbed, etc.
· Listen to your body before, during, after the fast – rate energy/sleep…
· Gradual refeeding including protein isolate & intermittent fasting
Some additional details may be gleaned from episode 137 podcast and youtube “Reasons to Tackle a 3-Day Water Fast” https://rebrand.ly/wowepisodes. If you wish my input on possible supplements, contact me at the email above.