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Are You Running Over-Heated?

Contrast cave man days to our modern world. We no longer eat to live, but often feel like we live to eat. Our food, water and air are drastically different in terms of purity and providing what we need to thrive. Somehow many came to believe that “grazing” all day was a great plan, but instead it keeps our systems working all day, often running “over-heated”. Our digestive system needs a rest. Our intestinal system needs a rest and to remain unclogged. Our immune system is beaten down dealing with all the toxins and invaders bombarding our inner world.

As a result of running over-heated, many of us are over-weight or even obese. Our systems can’t keep up with digesting, assimilating and eliminating. A harsh fact is that our bodies will not do the work to break down stored, toxin-laden fat until it has used for energy all the food we have eaten PLUS all the glycogen stores of excess carbs/sugar in our muscles and liver. SO, we must give our bodies a chance to take care of that.

AND, to start super simple, we should choose all natural and organic food whenever possible and plentiful PURE water. Standard rule of thumb in the natural health world is half one’s body weight in ounces per day, mostly between meals to avoid diluting digestive juices. For example a 180 pound person may consume half that – 90 ounces of pure water. I try to keep my water consumption to 1-2 glasses after awakening, then 20-30 minutes before a meal, chew really well, and wait at least an hour after a meal to start drinking again.

Debuting at the same time as this blog article is episode 109 Avoid Over-Heating & Over-Eating Using Fasting ( In this episode, we offer a simple, customizable plan for avoiding over-heating and also over-eating. This plan includes an eating window of 8 or 6 hours per day, 2 meals a day and minimal snacking. It also includes occasional 24-hour fast and considering an extended fast of 5-10 days once or twice a year.

Would you like to stay out of the high percentage of people that come down with serious health issues and live in terror over the outcome? The power is mostly yours. Besides the great choices of WHAT we eat/drink and WHEN we eat/drink, we have choices of using tools in our home and work to clean our water and our air. Making a few prudent decisions can be life-changing and life-lengthening!

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