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Got Candida?


Yeast overgrowth can be a very serious health issue and can wreak havoc with your weight and fasting goals. All people have some yeast and it can serve useful purpose when it is in proper balance. But in our current society, many of us are over-run with yeast overgrowth (candida).

An important part of our immune system is friendly bacteria (probiotic). Their ability to thrive is supported by prebiotic, often in form of healthy fiber. It is helpful to have a variety of friendly flora to help with various aspects of our health, including keeping the yeast from becoming too prevalent.

Candida thrives on poorly digested carbs/sugar. So let’s digest those well. Up to 42% of carb digestion happens in the mouth, so let’s chew really well (some people try for 25-40 chews until the food becomes liquid before swallowing. This can allow for as much enzymes and ptyalin to get into the food to help digest it.

Carbs will digest better if we don’t intertwine them with gooey fat like a grill cheese sandwich, pizza or baked potato with butter and cheese. They also will digest better if we don’t flood the digestion process with liquids that will dilute the digestive juices and also interfere with proper pH balance to accomplish good digestion, open the valve at proper time, and move the food down further into the digestive process.

Good plan for carb eating – choose natural and organic (not refined man-made carbs). Eat them alone and without fat or much liquid. Eat in low to moderate amounts – don’t eat too many carbs for your system to handle well – this can interfere with insulin sensitivity and inflammation if you go too far. In fact, excess carbs can even store as FAT, so keep things under control. A major aid is comprehensive digestive enzymes before meals to help break down the food we are eating, with amylase as the primary enzyme to break down the carbs.

If you were free of a candida problem, what to focus on for preventing in the future? Excellent carb digestion and plentiful friendly flora.

To resolve a candida problem? Don’t just cut way back on carbs, also use “systemic enzymes” on an empty stomach to help break down the multiple coatings they are hiding in. Episode 67 covers my favorite digestive and gut aid – a combination of systemic enzymes with probiotics that can also be used digestively before meals. Many holistic teachers on the internet do not know about the protective coating issue and will suggest herbs or probiotics without addressing the coating issue – how will the yeast successfully be addressed when they are hiding inside?

There are many possible signs and a simple at—home spit test covered in the new podcast episode 113 Candida – Signs, Causes, Solutions ( Some common simple signs are carb/sweet craving, fatigue, brain fog. When I worked in the health food store, it was alarming how many customers tested for candida problems. But it was gratifying that when the issue was addressed successfully, so many people had a variety of issues disappear.

There are 2 kinds of candida (candida albicans and candida auris), both serious but 1 especially life-threatening. In my 20 years of natural health training, many instructors say then when people with cancer are cut open, candida was almost always an issue. My personal scare that got me into natural health as a profession was abnormal cells and threat of cancer. I know 2 men that got into natural health as a profession because they said they were mis-diagnosed and if they hadn’t discovered candida symptoms and solutions, they believe it could have ended their life prematurely.

Check out episode 113 – it has the information you need to understand and deal with this crucial topic that can keep you overweight, tired and not feeling your best.



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